My health education class left many questions unanswered…

But when I reflected back on that time, I wasn’t the only one affected—the lack of information and support also impacted my parents. When your child comes to you expecting you to have all the answers and you don’t, it can be demoralizing. 

Not much has changed since my health education class 10+ years ago, conditions have arguably gotten worse. Health education administration across the United States is disparate—with the vast majority of counties failing to incorporate evidence-based methodologies or take a full-bodied approach to personal health. Strategies to improve health literacy rarely gauge knowledge retention and often fail to incorporate the stakeholders that frequently interface with learners.

Ollo changes that. We start early and work with parents to build a strong foundation in health & wellness knowledge for their families. From establishing healthy eating habits to learning how to communicate boundaries, these subjects will benefit your child for their entire lifetime—and we’ll be there to support you every step of the way.

Hunter Wagenaar

Founder & CEO

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